JOWST and Aleksander Walmann return with a new track!

They were the surprise package when it came to Eurovision, finishing in 10th place overall with the track Grab the Moment, and now, JOWST and Aleksander Walmann have released their follow up single titled ThatFeeling.

For a while now, we’ve been seeing teasers on social media from the duo about the release of a new collaboration between the pair. The song has more of an anthemic feel in comparison to their Eurovision hit, and features a more intense electronic beat. Like their Eurovision song, it would easily fit within that relaxed festival vibe, which is perfect to take us out of the summer season. Their signature sound also comes through the vocal sampling throughout the song, mixed with a catchy melody and the pitch perfect vocals from Aleksander.

We’re definitely hoping for more collaborations between the two, perhaps an album? For now, check out their newest single here: